Universal Loader v6.0.0.3 by Orbit30

Universal Loader v6.0.0.3 by Orbit30

Voici Universal Loader, il permet d'activer toutes les versions de Windows 7/Vista/Server !

ULoader by Orbit30
"Supports Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Server 2008"

* Dernière version
* Ajout d'une option de création de sauvegarde
* SLIC 2.0 & 2.1 Support
* OEM Branding Option
* Ajout de nouveaux logos OEM
* Supports 32-bit(x86)
* Supports 64-bit(x64)
* Ability to use your own Product Key
* Ability to change Product Key even after Activation
* Hard-Modding Available
* User-Friendly
* Multiple Loaders Available
* New Master OEM Keys Added
* Updated Master OEM Keys
* System Information Display
* User-Friendly GUI
* Activation en 1 clic disponible
* Version stable
* Orbit30 is among the first few programmers to come out with 7Loaders
* Sans virus (Verified by RudeBoySes)
* Marche à 100% (Verified by RudeBoySes)

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