Largo Winch Soundtrack [2008]

1. Largo Winch (03:07)

2. Lea’s Theme (01:47)

3. Dimna Yudda (02:01)Performed by Chet Nuneta

4. Chosen One (05:48)

5. Nerio’s Theme (02:38)

6. Chase Latino (01:28)

7. Two Brothers (01:41)

8. The W Building (02:47)

9. Mato Grosso Escape (01:55)

10. Meyer’s Ear (01:42)

11. Croatian Sorrow (04:14)

12. The Orphanage (02:26)

13. Hidden Souvenirs (02:51)

14. Dugi Otuk (01:26)

15. Vision In The Waves (01:08)

16. Largo Jumps (01:34)

17. Anna’s Death (03:48)

18. Melina (03:13)

19. The Deal (02:16)

20. Korsky (03:12)

21. Freddy's Betrayal (01:43)

22. Ferguson (01:30)

23. Hong Kong Chase (01:24)

24. On The Run (03:18)

25. Roof Fight (02:27)

26. Epilogue (02:01)


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